Snakebiter Arrow
Magical properties
This animated wood and metal snake squirms and hisses when handled, attempting to bite its holder just as a real snake might. To use the snakebiter arrow as a projectile, the bearer must first succeed at a DC 10 Handle Animal or wild empathy check to get the snake to shape itself into a +1 seeking arrow or a +1 seeking bolt (this is considered a trick known by the snake) for 1 minute. Failure means the snake attacks the bearer for 1 round, using the statistics of a Tiny viper familiar (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 133). A target struck by the projectile must succeed at a saving throw or be affected by a powerful variant black adder venom (Fortitude DC 20). Normally, these items are carried in a pouch rather than a quiver to prevent them from getting loose.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 156 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, poison, true strikeSee also
- Arrow (bleeding)
- Arrow (durable)
- Arrow (dye)
- Arrow (grappling)
- Arrow (lodestone)
- Arrow (pheromone)
- Arrow (raining)
- Arrow (slow burn)
- Arrow (splintercloud)
- Arrow (tangleshot)
- Arrow (trip)
- Arrow, bamboo shaft (10)
- Arrow, iron-tipped distance (20)
- Bolt, Drow poison
- Bolt, acid
- Bolt, alchemical fire
- Bolt, fire
- Bolt, liquid ice
- Bolt, poison
- Monster Codex
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