Mastery of Word and Thought
Magical properties
This massive tome is the size of four normal spellbooks, bound in leather as hard as plate armor and stitched together with strands of thin, pliable metal rather than thread. Toward the end is a list of names, each crossed out.
Type: Spellbook, Level 20 Enchanter
Opposition: Conjuration, illusion
Protection: Symbol of death on the first page of the book (Fort DC 22)
- 9th:
- Dominate Monster
- Foresight
- Mage's Disjunction
- Mass Hold Monster
- Mass Suffocation
- Power Word Kill
- Time Stop
- 8th:
- Binding
- Clone
- Irresistible Dance
- Mind Blank
- Polymorph Any Object
- Power Word Stun
- Sunburst
- 7th:
- Deflection
- Greater Arcane Sight
- Instant Summons
- Limited Wish
- Mass Hold Person
- Plane Shift
- Power World Blind
- Resonating Word
- Symbol of Stunning
- 6th:
- Cloak of Dreams
- Contingency
- Enemy Hammer
- Forceful Hand
- Greater Dispel Magic
- Geas/Quest
- Legend Lore
- Mage's Lucubration
- True Seeing
- 5th:
- Dismissal
- Dominate Person
- Fabricate
- Icy Prison
- Feeblemind
- Mage's Private Sanctum
- Permanency
- Prying Eyes
- Teleport
- 4th:
- Bestow Curse
- Crushing Despair
- Dimensional Anchor
- Fear
- Moonstruck
- Resilient Sphere
- Stone Shape
- Stoneskin
- 3rd:
- Fireball
- Fly
- Greater Magic Weapon
- Heroism
- Loathsome Veil
- Nondetection
- Protection From Energy
- Symbol of Peace
- Suggestion
- 2nd:
- Arcane Lock
- Continual Flame
- False Life
- Hideous Laughter
- Magic Mouth
- Mirror Image
- Resist Energy
- Rope Trick
- See Invisibility
- Touch of Idiocy
- 1st:
- Alarm
- Charm Person
- Feather Fall
- Forced Quiet
- Hydraulic Push
- Identify
- Magic Missile
- Memory Lapse
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Shield
- Unseen Servant
Curse of Names (Su): When you are finished preparing your spells with this book, write the proper name of a single creature among the list of names in this book. As a swift action, when you are within 30 feet of the named creature, you can call out its name to bestow the curse of names on it. This spends the boon's effect. The target creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, and a –4 penalty on all attack rolls against you, for 1 minute. When you activate this curse, the name is crossed out in the back of the book. That creature cannot be the target of a curse of names originating from you ever again. The penalties of two instances of curse of names on the same creature do not stack.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 11337.5 gp
This item lacks crafting guidelines.Sources
- Ultimate Magic
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