Master Books of Rul Thaven
Magical properties
This trio of books is bound in leather as black as a starless night, clasped together with gleaming silver. The pages are filled with notes and errata. The handwriting becomes more hurried toward the end of the trilogy, and the final page says, "I have found her!"
Type: Spellbook, Level 17 Diviner
Opposition: Illusion, transmutation
Protection: Each book features a superior lock (DC 40); secret page hides the 9th- and 7th-level spells, and the first book is warded with explosive runes (Reflex DC 17).
- 9th:
- Foresight
- Freedom
- 8th:
- Demand
- Discern Location
- Greater Prying Eyes
- Trap The Soul
- 7th:
- Instant Summons
- Greater Arcane Sight
- Greater Scrying
- Plane Shift
- Vision
- 6th:
- Analyze Dweomer
- Greater Dispel Magic
- Guards And Wards
- Legend Lore
- Repulsion
- True Seeing
- 5th:
- Contact Other Plane
- Major Creation
- Secret Chest
- Sending
- Telepathic Bond
- Planar Adaptation
- 4th:
- Bestow Curse
- Dimensional Anchor
- Lesser Geas
- Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
- Locate Creature
- Remove Curse
- Secure Shelter
- Share Senses
- 3rd:
- Arcane Sight
- Blood Biography
- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- Explosive Runes
- Secret Page
- Seek Senses
- Tongues
- 2nd:
- Continual Flame
- Detect Thoughts
- Flaming Sphere
- Hold Person
- Locate Object
- Resist Energy
- See Invisibility
- Summon Monster II
- 1st:
- Cause Fear
- Comprehend Languages
- Detect Secret Doors
- Detect Undead
- Disguise Self
- Identify
- Protection From Evil
- Protection From Law
- True Strike
Improved Eyes of Rul Thaven (Su): This improved boon allows you to see invisible creatures. You can activate the boon's effect as a swift action to gain the effects of see invisibility for up to 10 rounds. The rounds need not be consecutive, but you must spend a swift action each time you activate the boon's effect. The boon's effect is only spent when all 10 rounds of see invisibility are used up, or the next time you prepare wizard spells.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 6362.5 gp
This item lacks crafting guidelines.Sources
- Ultimate Magic
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