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Book of Harms


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 535 gpWeight: 3 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 5Aura: faint universal


The leather wrapping of this book is of an indeterminate type, and gives off a faint and unpleasant scent, as of charred meat. The writing inside is in a jagged hand, and many notes on the ash-smudged pages indicate its previous owner sought ever more damaging magic. A glittering rune in the cover's center is shaped vaguely like a lightning bolt.


Type: Spellbook, Level 5 Evoker

Opposition: Divination, transmutation

Protection: Average lock (DC 25)


Harmful Surge (Su): You can maximize a spell, but doing so damages you. Spend this boon effect as a free action when you cast a wizard evocation spell. When you do, you can treat that spell as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, but you take 1d4 points of damage × the level of the spell that you are maximizing. The damage you take cannot be reduced in any way.

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 267.5 gp

This item lacks crafting guidelines.


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