Vanity's Eye
Magical properties
This pair of fine, silver hand mirrors secretly steals the confidence and finesse of one bearer and transfers them to another. Two distinct components make up vanity's eye: a silver hand mirror set with flawless glass (the master) and a silver hand mirror set with slightly warped glass (the slave).
The mirrors have no effect until one looks into the slave mirror. Once a creature looks into the slave mirror, it must make a DC 20 Will save or be deceived by the mirror into believing that it has magically made him more dashing, suave, and glib. In truth, however, the slave mirror is cursed and steals the bearer's Charisma, causing him to take a –6 penalty to his Charisma score. The bearer is unaware of this penalty, and will not willingly part with the magical mirror. This penalty persists for as long as the mirror's curse lasts. Should the mirror be lost or taken, the bearer does all he can to retrieve the mirror. Only break enchantment, limited wish, remove curse, miracle, or wish can make the mirror's holder willingly part with the item and return his stolen Charisma. Breaking the slave mirror also restores the victim's Charisma. The slave mirror can only affect one creature at a time and has no affect on other creatures that look into it.
For as long as the slave mirror imposes a Charisma penalty upon a victim, the bearer of the master mirror gains a +6 enhancement bonus to his Charisma. This bonus applies as long as the master mirror's bearer is within 10 feet of the mirror. If the master mirror is destroyed, its bearer loses this bonus and the slave mirror is rendered inert, freeing any victim and restoring his Charisma.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 25500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, eagle's splendorSources
- More Magic of Thassilon
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