Tyrant's Mark
Magical properties
This macabre pin attaches to one's cloak. Tar-Baphon is said to have gifted these brooches to highly favored but still untrusted minions. When worn, a tyrant's mark provides a +3 deflection bonus to AC and a +3 resistance bonus on saving throws. As a free action after failing a saving throw, the wearer can expend one use of mythic power to reduce any damage resulting from the failed save by half.
When a tyrant's mark is created, it is keyed to a matching black diamond worth no less than 1,000 gp. The creator of a tyrant's mark can expend two uses of mythic power at any distance to use scrying (as the spell) on the pin's wearer while gazing through the black diamond, with the pin acting as the scrying sensor. The wearer of the tyrant's mark takes a –10 penalty on the Will save against the scrying effect, as though the maker had possession of a portion of the wearer's body.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 35500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, resistance, scrying, shield of faithSources
- Mythic Origins
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