The Pendulate Divan of Emperor Fortigré
Magical properties
This luxurious, red felt divan is edged in gold latticework and made from highly polished, glossy black wood. If you lie upon it, you automatically understand how to activate it. Created for the mad Emperor Fortigré of Taldor thousands of years ago, the pendulate divan includes many special abilities. When you sit, stand, or lie upon it, it can walk like a fourlegged animal with a movement speed of 30 feet, create up to 2 gallons of water per day, protect you with endure elements, and fly or teleport as per the spells (once each per day). The original pendulate divan is stored in the Imperial Palace in Taldor, though a few copies of it were created over the centuries, and many wealthy nobles own lesser versions which can only walk and have no other powers.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 33000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, animate object, create water, endure elements, fly, teleport, creator must have at least 5 ranks in Craft (woodworking)Sources
- Taldor, Echoes of Glory
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