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Stalker's Mask


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 3500 gpWeight: 1 lb.Slot: Head

Magical properties

Caster level: 5Aura: faint illusion


Preserved sections harvested from several different human faces cover this mask. When worn, the mask desaturates the wearer's color, making him appear shadowy and granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. Once per day as a full-round action, the wearer can cause the mask's features to take on the appearance of any creature of the wearer's basic size and shape within 60 feet that he observes, allowing the wearer to adopt that creature's appearance for 1 hour. This grants him a +10 bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the creature. The mask also grants the wearer a +1 bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls made against the creature he is disguised as, as the mask builds upon the wearer's rage and jealousy of the target's appearance.

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 1750 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self, rage


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