Spirit Slate
Magical properties
This simple chalkboard consists of a book-sized wooden frame surrounding a thin, rectangular slice of flat black slate. Though mediums typically use mundane slates to demonstrate automatic writing, this magical version can obtain answers to specific questions regarding a dead creature if the user has access to at least a fragment of bone from the deceased's body. Once the user places a bone fragment upon the slate, that fragment animates and begins scribbling answers to the following four questions on the slate's surface.
- Who were you? (The name by which the creature was most commonly known.)
- What were you? (The creature's gender, race, profession/ role.)
- How did you die? (A brief outline of the events that caused the creature's death, to the creature's best knowledge.)
- When did you die? (To the most specific time the creature can place its death.)
These answers always appear in a language the user can read, even if the creature could not speak that or any language. The device can be used up to 3 times per day.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 6000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, blood biographySources
- Occult Adventures
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