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Sovereign Shabti


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 130000 gpWeight: 1 lb.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 17Aura: strong conjuration


During its creation, a sovereign shabti is bound to a single member of royalty who willingly donates 3 drops of her blood and writes her own name upon a strip of parchment. These are placed within a hollow figurine typically made of gold, jade, or gemstone that, when completed, has hardness 5 and 5 hit points.

If the sovereign shabti still exists when the bound individual dies, its magic takes effect. The figurine's power speeds the spirit along the River of Souls, assuring it safely reaches the Boneyard. The soul is judged 2d12 hours after dying, at which point the figurine expels its power to create a new being, a living 1st-level shabti duplicate of the bound individual. If the soul was condemned to torment or labor, the shabti goes in its place—the bound individual's spirit traveling to some favorable corner of a plane matching her alignment. If the soul was to be rewarded, the shabti appears on to the fringes of Axis. Once the shabti has been created, the bound individual cannot be returned to life by any means short of divine intervention. The sovereign shabti —which does not travel with the bound soul—crumbles as soon as it creates a shabti.

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 65000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, trap the soul, true resurrection, 3 drops of royal blood, a royal name


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