Scarecrow Lure
Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 850 gpWeight: 40 lbs.Slot: Slotless
Magical properties
Caster level: 1Aura: faint illusion, faint transmutation
This life-sized scarecrow is garbed in old clothing and armor. At its center is the real skeleton of a former adventurer. A scarecrow lure is enchanted to writhe and cry out for help as if wounded. The lure's voice is usually that of the adventurer whose remains are inside, though the creator may choose any voice when creating the item. Anyone who hears or sees a scarecrow lure can attempt a DC 11 Will save to disbelieve the effect. Activating a scarecrow lure is a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 450 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, mage hand, ventriloquismSee also
- Kobolds of Golarion
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