Regression Mine
Magical properties
A regression mine is a nondescript plate of metal that can be armed to deliver a terrible, mind-affecting curse. Arming the mine requires a move action, and deploying it in an adjacent square requires a standard action. An armed regression mine must be deployed within 3 rounds; otherwise, it must be rearmed before it can be deployed.
Once it has been deployed, a regression mine triggers when any creature enters its space. The triggered mine emits an invisible magical field in a 20-foot-radius burst centered on itself, which lasts for 1 minute before dissipating. Creatures in this field when the mine activates or that enter it while it remains active are confused and take a –4 penalty to their Intelligence scores as long as they remain in the field and for 1 minute thereafter. When a creature with the confused condition from this effect determines its action, it must reroll any result that isn't "attack nearest creature" and take the second result.
A creature in the field of a regression mine can avoid its effects with a successful DC 15 saving throw, but it must continue attempting saving throws at the same DC each round it remains within the regression mine's field.
A regression mine is a single-use item; once triggered, the mine is inert and nonmagical. An armed regression mine in the area of another regression mine's active field automatically triggers; therefore, a string of carefully placed mines can be activated in quick succession when only one of them is triggered. An armed or active regression mine can be disabled with a successful DC 30 Disable Device check. Failing the check to disable an armed regression mine by more than 5 immediately triggers it. If an active mine is disabled, its magical field immediately collapses. A regression mine is inherently unstable; a creature that takes damage while carrying an armed regression mine must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex saving throw, or the mine immediately activates.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 750 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, confusionSources
- Pathfinder #122: Into the Shattered Continent
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