Quicksand Cloak
Magical properties
The exterior of the cloak is an extradimensional space filled with water and sand. Each time a creature of the wearer's size or smaller attempts to grapple the wearer, it must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or fail at the attempt and be engulfed by quicksand (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 427). Every round it's trapped in the extradimensional space, the trapped creature must make a Swim check (DC 15) to climb out, landing prone adjacent to the wearer. Crawling out doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity from the wearer, but does provoke from others. A creature that fails its Swim check by 5 or more submerges and begins to drown. A creature that succeeds at the initial save grapples the wearer normally, and doesn't need to save again unless the wearer escapes and the creature tries to grapple the wearer again.
A quicksand cloak left on the ground behaves as a patch of quicksand filling one 5-foot square, and swimming out works the same. Others may use aid another to help a creature trapped in the cloak, as though the creature were grappled.
A quicksand cloak of any size can contain only one creature at a time; a creature attempting to grapple the wearer while the cloak already contains a body is not affected by the cloak.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 7500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, create water, shifting sandSources
- Tears at Bitter Manor
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