Poison Popcushion
Magical properties
This squishy, gel-filled sack is the size of a fist, and its exterior is covered with countless tiny metal studs. When set on the ground or somewhere else within line of sight, a poison popcushion can be targeted with a melee or ranged attack (hardness 0, AC 7). A successful attack causes the poison popcushion to explode, sending a spray of needles everywhere within a 10-footradius burst and dealing 1d4+1 points of piercing damage to creatures caught in the area each round for 1d3 rounds. A successful DC 13 Reflex save halves this damage. Additionally, a poison popcushion can be loaded with an injury poison before it is placed. Fully loading a poison popcushion takes 3 doses of poison (not included in the price). In addition to dealing damage, a loaded poison popcushion affects struck creatures with the poison stored within, though the Fortitude save DC to save against this poison is 4 lower than the poison's usual DC.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 350 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, arrow eruptionSources
- Magical Marketplace
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