Pipes of Shifting Tempo
Magical properties
In outer construction and manner of play, pipes of shifting tempo resemble a typical set of unremarkable pan pipes, but the complex chambers within the pipes are modeled after difficult-to-duplicate Azlanti instruments. Music created by these pipes sounds unusually mournful, with a strange, almost warbling subtext to the notes. Up to three times per day, a user can attempt to harness these pipes' power by making a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check as a standard action. With a successful check, the possessor can play a grave melody to cast slow or an allegro melody to cast haste. The resulting spell functions as normal for the item's caster level, affecting five creatures per casting.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 9000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, haste, slow, Perform (wind instrument) 5 ranksSources
- Pathfinder Society Field Guide
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