Paralyzing Snare
Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 2250 gpWeight: 2 lbs.Slot: Slotless
Magical properties
Caster level: 9Aura: moderate enchantment
Once the command word is spoken, this 5-foot-diameter loop of wire blends with its surroundings. To find it, a character with the trapfinding ability must succeed at a DC 30 Perception check. Setting the snare is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Any creature that steps into the snare must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become magically paralyzed, as the spell hold monster. This effect can be ended by uttering the command word, succeeding at a DC 30 Disable Device check, or succeeding at the Will save. The snare is destroyed when the effect ends.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 1200 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, snare, hold monsterSources
- Kobolds of Golarion
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