Necklace of Beast's Might (Hair)
Magical properties
A necklace of beast's might is a crude necklace made from a particular part (or close analog) of a creature of a specific type: aberrations, animals, dragons, fey, magical beasts, oozes (often made using hardened leftovers), or vermin. Regardless of the parts used to make the necklace, the necklace quietly rattles when a creature of the specific type is within 100 feet of the wearer. Each necklace also has additional abilities based on its component parts (or analogs), and each requires an additional spell in its construction.
Bones: The wearer gains DR 2/— against natural attacks from the associated creature type. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; stoneskin.
Claws: The wearer gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against the associated creature type. Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; magic weapon.
Eyes: The wearer gains a +5 insight bonus on Knowledge checks to identify creatures of the associated type and on Perception checks opposed by such creatures' Disguise checks. Faint divination; CL 5th; know the enemy.
Hair: The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Survival checks to track the associated creature type, and the scent special ability, but only to notice odors of the associated creature type. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; beast shape I.
Horns: The wearer gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuvers and to CMD against the associated creature type. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; bull's strength.
Scales: The wearer gains a +2 insight bonus to AC against attacks made by the associated creature type. Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; barkskin.
Teeth: The wearer gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls against creatures of that type. The wearer's critical hits against such creatures deal 1d6 bleed damage. Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; magic weapon.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 4000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, locate creature, beast shape ISee also
- Necklace of Beast's Might (Bones)
- Necklace of Beast's Might (Claws)
- Necklace of Beast's Might (Eyes)
- Necklace of Beast's Might (Horn)
- Necklace of Beast's Might (Scales)
- Necklace of Beast's Might (Teeth)
- Monster Hunter's Handbook
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