Master's Brand (Hobgoblin)
Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 18200 gpWeight: 2 lbs.Slot: Slotless
Magical properties
Caster level: 10Aura: moderate transmutation
The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.
This cast-iron brand glows hot with a command word, although the heat does not affect objects. It can be used to strike a creature with a touch attack. If it hits, it violently marks the victim as per greater brand (DC 16), except that the brand glows in reaction to the visible master's brand rather than to holy symbols. Once the brand has struck a target, it cools and cannot be used again that day.
If the wielder of the brand is a hobgoblin, once per day he can speak a second command word to issue a command (DC 13), as per the spell, to anyone marked by the brand.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 9100 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, command, greater brand, creator must be a hobgoblinSources
- Inner Sea Races
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