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Lyre of Storms


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 65000 gpWeight: 5 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 7Aura: moderate transmutation


This finely made instrument is crafted of lovingly polished wood inlaid with mystic runes. When the lyre is played, sparks dance along its strings.

By succeeding at a DC 15 Perform (string instruments) check, the bearer can produce the following spells.

By succeeding at a DC 25 Perform (string instruments) check and then expending one use of mythic power, the bearer can produce the mythic version of the spell instead. If the bearer fails her Perform check, her action is wasted, but she doesn't expend one of the item's uses per day or any mythic power.

If bearer has the appropriate mythic tier and the bardic performance ability, she can bring forth one of the following magical effects for as long as she uses the instrument as part of a bardic performance; she also gains the usual benefits of that performance. She must end the performance and start a new one to choose a new effect.

  • 3rd tier or higher: water walk, shared with all the player's allies within 20 feet
  • 4th tier or higher: control winds centered on the player, used only to decrease wind strength
  • 5th tier or higher: fickle winds, affecting the player only
  • Crafting requirements

    Crafting cost: 32500 gp

    Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, call lightning, control weather, water walk


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