Jar of Haunt Siphoning
Magical properties
This jar of transparent glass is bound with gold ribbons. As a standard action that requires both hands, the user can untie the ribbon and remove the jar's lid. When the user does so, the ribbon glows as the jar unleashes a burst of positive energy that deals 3d6 points of positive energy damage to all manifested haunts within 30 feet of the user. If this deals enough damage to a haunt to reduce the haunt's hit points to 0, the haunt is neutralized as it dissolves into a violet mist that then drains into the jar. A haunt neutralized by a jar of haunt siphoning takes a –5 penalty on its caster level check to manifest again after its reset time passes. Once used, a jar of haunt siphoning cannot be activated again for 1d4 rounds, but any violet mist within the jar must first be removed. Removing this mist is a full-round action that requires a creature to pour the jar's contents into a nonmagical glass vial worth at least 1 gp. This transforms the vial into a grenadelike splash weapon that functions like a vial of alchemist's fire, except it deals negative energy damage instead of fire damage. Purifying a jar of haunt siphoning in this manner causes the jar to reactivate in 1d4 rounds.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 3125 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, mass inflict light woundsSources
- Haunted Heroes Handbook
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