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Horn of Valhalla


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 50000 gpWeight: 2 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 13Aura: strong conjuration


This magic instrument comes in four varieties. Each appears to be a normal, scarred old horn used for hunting or signaling during battle. When someone speaks its command word and blows the horn, however, the horn summons a number of human barbarians to fight for the character who summoned them. Each horn can be blown just once every 7 days. Roll d% and refer to the table above to see what type of horn is found. The horn's type determines what barbarians are summoned and what prerequisite is needed to use the horn. Any character who uses a horn of Valhalla but doesn't have the prerequisite is attacked by the barbarians she herself summoned.

Summoned barbarians are constructs, not actual people (though they seem to be); they arrive with the starting equipment for barbarians. They attack anyone the possessor of the horn commands them to fight until they or their opponents are slain or until 1 hour has elapsed, whichever comes first.

d%Type of HornBarbarians SummonedPrerequisite
01–40Silver2d4+2, 2nd-levelNone
41–75Brass2d4+1, 3rd-levelSpellcaster level 1st
76–90Bronze2d4, 4th-levelProficiency with all martial weapons or bardic performance ability
91–100Iron1d4+1, 5th-levelProficiency with all martial weapons or bardic performance ability

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 25000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI

See also


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