Hood's Flair
Magical properties
These garish tokens usually take the form of a colorful adornment for a weapon; attaching a token takes a full-round action and provokes attacks of opportunity. Once per day, when a token is tied to a ranged weapon or thrown melee weapon that the user is wielding, she can use that token's ability, as described below. If the bearer has a grit or panache pool, she can spend grit or panache points to gain one additional use per point spent. A character can benefit from only one token at a time; securing a second token to a weapon provides no additional effects. There are four types of tokens, each offering a different benefit.
Black Feather: As a swift action when she takes a 5-foot step, the user can move an additional 5 feet, for a total of 10 feet. This additional movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Brass Leaf: When the wielder user this token as a swift action, her allies don't provide cover against her ranged attacks until the end of her turn.
Silver Chime: When the user misses with a ranged attack because of concealment, as a swift action she can reroll her miss chance percentile roll to see whether she actually hits.
Teal Bead: While making a ranged attack, the user doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 1250 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, haste, creator must be able to use grit or panacheSources
- Villain Codex
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