Flying Skiff
Magical properties
A flying skiff is a long, flat-bottomed vehicle akin to a naval ship, and is covered in metallic veins. Without a psychic pilot, a flying skiff acts in all regards as a keelboat (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 184). A single Large directfire siege engine can be mounted on the front of a flying skiff.
A control helmet that fits a Small, Medium, or Large creature is linked by long, curling cables to the metal veins of the skiff. Whenever a psychic creature (one with levels in an occult class, the Psychic Sensitivity feat, or the ability to use psychic spelllike abilities) wears the control helmet, the flying skiff gains the following abilities.
- The skiff can fly with a maximum speed of 100 feet and acceleration of 30 feet.
- The skiff gains fast healing 5 when reduced below half its starting hit points. Damage above this threshold must be repaired normally.
Along with the abilities granted to the flying skiff when piloted by a psychic creature, the pilot gains the following additional abilities.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 90000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, intellect fortress III, mental barrier III, overland flight, plane shift, thought shield III, tower of iron will IISources
- Occult Adventures
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