Deadlimb Pins
Magical properties
As a move action, the wielder may dip these two sharp, 4-inchlong pins into their paired vial to coat them in the viscous blueblack liquid within. This coating lasts 1 minute before dissipating. On a successful unarmed attack against a creature while both coated pins are held between the wielder's knuckles, the liquid flows under the skin of one of the target's limbs (wielder's choice; two limbs on a critical hit). The target must then attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save. On a failed save, an affected limb becomes withered and useless, anything held in the limb drops to the ground, and the victim cannot move the limb for 5 minutes. If an affected limb contributes to one of the creature's modes of movement (such as a leg), the creature's movement is halved.
A creature may be affected by multiple instances of deadlimb pins. Generally, a creature with both legs affected by deadlimb pins can only crawl to move, and a creature with both arms affected is unable to attack (unless they can make attacks with other body parts, of course). The exact consequences of applying multiple doses of deadlimb pins to creatures with inhuman anatomies or unusual limbs are left to the GM's discretion.
In order to function, deadlimb pins must be used with the vial of liquid they were constructed with and vice-versa. One set of deadlimb pins and their adjoining vial can be used 50 times before its magic is depleted.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 30000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, baleful polymorphSources
- Demon Hunter's Handbook
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