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Circlet of Petty Discord


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 84000 gpWeight: Slot: Head

Magical properties

Caster level: 10Aura: moderate enchantment


Once per day, when the wearer of this delicate silver crown casts a spell from the charm subschool, he can add a subtle compulsion to the effect. All targets affected by the spell must succeed at a DC 20 Will saving throw or become incredibly frustrated with their allies. For the next 10 rounds, affected targets still recognize their allies (and do not attack them), but they cannot treat them as allies when determining movement or flanking, nor can they use any feats (including teamwork feats), spells, abilities, or effects that allow them to target allies or use allies to gain beneficial effects, nor can they be the targets of such friendly effects. Affected targets also cannot aid another.

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 42000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, suggestion


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