Chime of Resounding Silence
Magical properties
This foot-long tube of gold absorbs nearby sound when struck, as if it were the target of a silence spell. This ability can be used once per day. The chime vibrates silently for the next 5 rounds, increasing in strength as time passes. On the bearer's turn each round there is a cumulative 20% chance that the chime prematurely ends the magical silence and releases the pent-up sound as a shout spell as a free action, oriented in a random direction. The bearer may spend a standard action to strike the vibrating chime again, ending its silence early and unleashing the shout in a direction of his choosing. If dropped while vibrating, the chime automatically gains the broken condition and releases the shout effect in a random direction. A broken chime of resounding silence cannot be used until it is repaired. The chime has no effect if struck in an area of silence it did not create.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 5000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, shout, silenceSources
- Ultimate Equipment
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