Chariot of the Conqueror
Magical properties
This fantastic vehicle was fashioned specifically for General Tawaret, who rode it into battle throughout her military career. The chariot of the conqueror is a light chariot pulled by a team of two ghostly manticores controlled by beaded reigns. The manticores can only draw the chariot; they cannot attack or otherwise act. The chariot's statistics are Hardness 10, hp 180, Base Save +2, Maximum Speed 200 ft., fly 200 ft. (perfect); Acceleration 100 ft., fly 100 ft.; all other statistics conform to those of a standard light chariot (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 181).
The chariot of the conqueror treats all terrain as normal, including water—the vehicle glides smoothly over liquid as though it were pavement—and can even fly. On command, the chariot can drive itself for up to 1 hour with a +20 bonus on drive checks, following the driver's verbal orders. Otherwise, the driver must attempt driving checks to control the ghostly steeds drawing the chariot as normal (Ultimate Combat 170).
The chariot of the conqueror can carry up to two Medium creatures: one driver and one passenger. Creatures riding in the chariot gain a +4 cover bonus to AC. Passengers balance perfectly while riding in the vehicle, even if it's moving sideways or upside down, making it a perfect platform for archers or others making ranged attacks. Damage to the chariot can be magically repaired, but if reduced to 0 hit points, it's destroyed.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 45000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, phantom driver, phantom steedSources
- Pathfinder #84: Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh
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