Bronze Sentinel
Magical properties
Built by a group of forgotten arcanists and researchers in a secret outpost deep within the Osirian desert, the bronze sentinel is a magical vehicle shaped as a 15-foot-tall bronze humanoid statue, crafted in the shape of a muscular man wearing a silver headband that resembles two serpents twined together. When the sentinel is active, its eyes shine with green light and a triangle of runes on its chest glows silver.
Close examination and a successful DC 25 Perception check reveal a secret catch that opens a hatch in the statue's back. Anyone who crawls inside finds seating for one Medium or Small occupant and eight unlabeled levers and pedals. These controls allow a character inside to activate and control the sentinel's movements and actions. Operating a lever is normally a move action, but operating the lever to extend or retract the sentinel's arms (such as to attack) is a standard action. No lever can be operated more than once per round.
Lever (d8) | Lever Function |
1 | Uncover/cover forward porthole |
2 | Uncover/cover side portholes |
3 | Extend/retract arms |
4 | Close/open hands |
5 | Move forward/backward |
6 | Turn left/right |
7 | Open/close eyes with continual flame inside |
8 | Open/close hatch |
The sentinel's hands can grasp objects as small as Fine in size, and can make slam attacks. Although the sentinel cannot swim, it can function in water up to 900 feet deep. If its portholes are covered, it holds enough air for a Medium operator to survive 1d4+1 hours.
When active, a bronze sentinel has the following statistics: Size Large; AC 20 (–1 size, +11 natural); hardness 15; hp 150; Speed 20 ft.; Melee 2 slams +12 (2d6); CMB +14; CMD 24.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 45000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, continual flame, creator must have 8 ranks in Knowledge (engineering)Sources
- Pathfinder #82: Secrets of the Sphinx
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