Bosun's Call
Magical properties
This copper-and-bronze whistle is played by blowing through the mouthpiece while opening and closing one's hand over the hole to modify the pitch. The whistle has 3 charges, which are automatically restored at sunrise each day. As a standard action, the user can attempt a Perform (wind) check and expend the indicated number of charges to produce one of the following effects.
0 charges: Wake all allies within 30 feet (DC 15).
1 charge: Wake all allies aboard the same ship (DC 20).
1 charge: Convey a secret message to all allies within 60 feet, as the Bluff skill (DC 20).
1 charge: Perform a countersong as the bardic performance ability, with a +2 bonus on the Perform (wind) check (DC 20).
2 charges: Grant up to six allies, no two of whom can be more than 30 feet apart, climb and swim speeds of 20 feet each for 4 rounds (DC 20).
2 charges: Grant all allies within 60 feet a +5 morale bonus on Swim checks for 10 minutes (DC 25).
The charge is expended even if the Perform check fails.
A user of the bosun's call who has the bardic performance class feature can, as a swift action, expend a number of rounds of bardic performance equal to the number of charges needed to produce the effect instead of expending those charges.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 3350 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, alter self, creator must have the bardic performance class abilitySources
- Daughters of Fury
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