Best Friend Pendant, Greater
Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 9000 gpWeight: –Slot: Neck
Magical properties
Caster level: 7Aura: moderate conjuration, moderate transmutation
Made of finely wrought platinum, this neckpiece is an improved version of a best friend pendant. In addition to the regular abilities of a best friend pendant, this version can absorb Medium and Large animals as well as Tiny or Small elementals, magical beasts, and outsiders. Elementals, magical beasts, and outsiders don't require Handle Animal checks to be made willing to enter the necklace, but might require other forms of coercion at the GM's discretion.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 4500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door, reduce animalSee also
- Ultimate Intrigue
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