Grounding Rod
Magical properties
This 6-foot-long silver rod is capped with a copper ball at one end, and a multipronged iron spike at the other. Three times per day, the spiked end can be driven into sand, mud, or loose earth as a move action, into dense soil or loose gravel as a standard action, or into stone or harder materials as a full-round action. Once anchored, the rod emits a field that inhibits electrical charges within a 40-foot radius. All creatures within this radius gain resistance 5 to electricity, and anyone attempting to cast a spell with the electricity descriptor must make a caster level check (DC 16) or lose the spell.
Removing the rod from the ground and deactivating it requires the same type of action as anchoring it.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 6000 gp
Craft Rod, dispel magic, lightning bolt, resist energySources
- Ultimate Equipment
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