Survivor's Ring
Type: RingPrice: 56160 gpWeight: –Slot: Ring
Magical properties
Caster level: 18Aura: strong illusion
This ring is shaped like a silver snake with an onyx in its mouth. Once per day, if the wearer would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points but not be dead, she is instead reduced to 0 hit points and subject to an effect similar to mislead. Her illusory double appears to die or to take on the dying condition in her place, as appropriate for the negated effect. The wearer cannot control the double. In addition, the wearer can touch the ring's stone as a standard action once per day to use dimension door but only while the ring's mislead effect is active.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 25080 gp
Forge Ring, death ward, dimension door, misleadSources
- Inner Sea Intrigue
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