Ring of the Clean Hands
Magical properties
This delicate ring of forged bronze is formed into the shape of two hands, which do not quite touch as they meet at the top of the wearer's finger. A ring of the clean hands grants use of telekinesis as a standard action and has 10 charges. These charges return at the start of the next day.
The ring's charges can be expended to create the following effects:
Combat maneuver: This effect costs 3 charges for each round it is active, but otherwise functions as described by the spell telekinesis. The force created by this effect has a +9 base attack bonus, and is considered to have Strength 20 and Dexterity 20.
Force lash: This effect costs 3 charges, striking out as if with an invisible whip. One target within 60 feet must make a DC 17 Will save or be struck for 4d6 points of nonlethal damage. This attack does not affect targets with a +3 or higher natural armor bonus, or a +1 or higher armor bonus.
Sustained force: This effect costs 1 charge for each round it is active, but otherwise functions as described by the spell telekinesis, making it capable of lifting 225 lbs.
Violent thrust: This effect costs 5 charges, but otherwise functions as described by the spell telekinesis, allowing you to throw up to 9 creatures or objects up to 90 feet, with a total weight of 225 lbs. The attack roll has a +9 modifier. The Will save is DC 17.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 9000 gp
Forge Ring, telekinesisSources
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