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Ring of Return


Type: RingPrice: 6000 gpWeight: Slot: Ring

Magical properties

Caster level: 13Aura: strong conjuration


The imperial intelligence agency, the Hatharat, entrusts rings of return to agents within Taldor and other hostile regions. When a transport command word is spoken (a standard action), a ring of return whisks the wearer to the nearest imperial administration building within Kelesh's borders, as if via greater teleport. If anyone attempts to remove a ring of return from the wearer's finger without speaking a removal command word (a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity), the attempt triggers the effect, transporting both the wearer and the person attempting to remove the ring. A successful DC 20 Will save allows a character to resist the teleportation, but in any event, a ring of return can be used only once; after its single charge is expended, it becomes an ordinary, nonmagical ring.

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 3000 gp

Forge Ring, greater teleport


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