Ring of Inner Fortitude (minor)
Magical properties
Alternating diamonds and rubies stud this band of white gold. A minor ring of fortitude reduces ability damage or temporary ability penalties the wearer takes by 2 points and ability drain by 1 point. If an effect targets multiple ability scores (for example, exhaustion, fatigue, or touch of idiocy), the ring reduces the damage, drain, or penalty for all ability scores.
A major ring of inner fortitude reduces ability damage or temporary penalties by 4 points and reduces ability drain by 2 points.
A greater ring of inner fortitude reduces ability damage or temporary penalties by 6 points and reduces ability drain by 3 points.
Wearing a ring of inner fortitude ring does not make the wearer immune to conditions such as fatigued or exhausted even if the wearer ignores all ability damage, drain, or penalties from the condition. If the ring prevents any damage, drain, or penalty that are associated with a beneficial effect, it also negates the beneficial effect.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 9000 gp
Forge Ring, restorationSee also
- Ultimate Equipment
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