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Visionary Lens


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: Weight: 50 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong divination, strong enchantment, strong illusion


This ornate mirror measures 4 feet in diameter, framed in gold and embellished with silver. The frame depicts dozens of stylized eyes from fey creatures that alternately open and close in wakefulness or slumber. During the day, these eyes influence the mirror's surface to act as a crystal ball with telepathy. At night, the eyes can cast scrying (looking into the dreams of subjects) and nightmare instead. Lastly, during the twilight hours between day and night, the eyes can be commanded to bestow one of the following effects upon any single person gazing into the mirror:

The mirror does not function outside of the First World or demiplanes that share characteristics of the First World (such as the Fellnight Realm).


The visionary lens shatters if exposed to a wail of the banshee cast by someone wearing a medallion of thought projection.

See also




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