The Last Theorem
Magical properties
This book is non-magical; it is the hieroglyphic formulas contained within it that radiate both magic and evil. The formulas cannot be duplicated or transcribed unless the reader has the ability to create artifacts. If the reader loses focus for even an instant, the numbers swim into new positions throughout the text. anyone who studies them for at least an hour may make a Concentration check to attempt to hold them in their proper place and determine how much of their meaning they can discern. Anyone who has studied the star charts from J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs receives a +4 circumstance bonus to their Concentration check.
DC 10: The Last Theorem contains 11 constants, each of which is derived from the relationship between the planet aucturn and Golarion. The reader must make a DC 14 Will save or suffer from fear.
DC 15: The Last Theorem can be used to compute the date that the countdown clocks began and when the count will end. the reader must make a DC 14 Will save or suffer from feeblemind.
DC 25: The Last Theorem is capable of affecting the physical world, but is missing the hidden value of the "White axiom." Without that, The Last Theorem's power cannot be unleashed. The reader must make a DC 18 Will save or enter a permanent catatonic state similar to that created by an eyebite spell. If both the Concentration check and the Will save are successful, the reader's understanding provides a permanent +1 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (player's choice). Future readings by the same person have no additional effect. only one person can gain the bonus conferred by the theorem every 11 months.
This artifact lacks a destruction specification.
Artifact, EvilSources
- The Pact Stone Pyramid
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