Stannum Crown
Magical properties
Though polished to a silvery gleam, the metal of this velvetcapped crown is simple tin. Occult scholars believe the first stannum crowns were created by a mad psychic king who had become convinced that entities from other planes were watching and plotting against him.
The crown is powered by its wearer's paranoia and mistrust, using them to grant the wearer immunity to mind-affecting effects and divinations that gather information about him. The wearer can't lower this immunity without removing the crown. Donning a stannum crown saps the wearer's mind, imposing a –2 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Removing the crown negates the penalty, but the wearer's enhanced paranoia makes him unwilling to doff the headdress.
He can try to remove the crown once per day by attempting a Will save (DC = 25 + the number of consecutive days the crown has been worn). Once the DC becomes 35 or higher, the wearer's paranoia has progressed to the point where he no longer treats any other creature as an ally and attempts saving throws against even harmless spells and abilities. At this point, a natural 20 is not an automatic success on the saving throw to remove the crown, and the wearer never counts as a willing target for the purposes of another's spell or ability, even when he is unconscious. Other creatures can't remove the crown by force; only the wearer can take it off.
A stannum crown can be destroyed only by placing it on the head of a sentient being who is truly incapable of mistrust. This destroys the crown, but leaves the creature with the powers and drawbacks of the crown, forever unable to remove or ameliorate them.
See also
- Occult Adventures
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