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Staff of Rightful Rule


Type: StaffPrice: Weight: 5 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 15Aura: strong abjuration


This staff is a single piece of mithral carved with lines and small dots and encrusted with blue and violet gemstones at either end. The runes marking it are a mixture of Auran and Infernal terms, intertwined. The staff delivers a shocking grasp (CL 15th) to any creature other than the staff's owner that holds it, and no chaotic creature can become its owner. Asserting ownership requires a successful DC 20 Use Magic Device or Charisma check made while holding the staff. Once a creature becomes the staff's owner, it remains so until another creature asserts ownership.

A staff of rightful rule has 10 charges when it is created. In addition to the normal method of recharging staves, spent charges from a staff of rightful rule can be restored by casting dictum into the staff. Each casting restores 1 charge, but the staff may never hold more than 10 charges at any one time. The staff allows use of the following spells:


A staff of rightful rule may be destroyed by a word of chaos targeted at the staff. The caster of the spell must succeed at a DC 30 caster level check to destroy the staff. If the caster fails this check, the staff deals 10d6 points of damage to him.




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