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Runewarded Gauntlets


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: Weight: 2 lbs.Slot: Hands

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong abjuration


A set of runewarded gauntlets helps to protect the wearer from the influence of intelligent magic items, an effect that immediately becomes apparent to a wearer when the gauntlets are first put on. While worn, the gauntlets suppress all magical qualities of a single intelligent weapon carried. They have no effect on nonintelligent magic weapons or nonweapon intelligent magic items. Runewarded gauntlets make spellcasting more difficult when worn, imparting a 10% spell failure chance to all spells cast while worn (not just arcane spells). This spell failure chance does not stack with spell failure chances from other worn items.


If a creature wears a set of runewarded gauntlets and then plunges his hands into the runeforge pool, where the gauntlets were created ages ago, any blow struck against the submerged gauntlets by a character currently controlled by an intelligent weapon of a different alignment than the wearer of the gauntlets destroys the gauntlets (and the wearer's hands). Missing hands can be restored via regenerate or similar effects.

See also




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