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Relic of Kazavon, Armor of Skulls


Type: ArmorPrice: Weight: 30 lbs.Slot: Armor

Armor properties

Type: MediumArmor bonus: 6Enhancement bonus: +4Maximum dexterity: 3Armor check penalty: -4Arcane spell failure chance: 25

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong abjuration, strong transmutation


Crafted from the skull of the dragon Kazavon, the Armor of Skulls is a Large intelligent +4 greater electricity resistance breastplate that grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution. Once per day, the wearer can unleash either a bolt or burst of electricity. The bolt is a 120-foot line of electricity that deals 24d8 points of electricity damage (Reflex DC 37 for half). The burst deals 6d8 points of electricity damage to all creatures within a 30-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 37 for half).


One who has never killed another creature must bind the Armor of Skulls in gold chains (worth 1,000,000 gp), then slowly shatter the armor by shortening the chain by one link every day for 1,000 days.

See also




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