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Portal Network


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: Weight: 64000 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong conjuration


Runes adorn this massive ring of iron. Each gate of a portal network is bound to at least one other such gate and instantly transports any creature who steps through it to its mate, anywhere on the same plane or any other plane. Portal network gates allow the passage of Large or smaller creatures. Huge creatures are not transported, even if they manage to squeeze through the ring. If the destination gate is obstructed by an immovable object, the network fails to function.

Portal networks with more than two gates distinguish between destinations via focal objects chosen by the gates' creators. Typical focal objects include gems, minor magic items, and carefully drawn sigils. Some gates fail to function at all if entered without a focal object, whereas others transport the subject to a default location. Creatures can share a focal object by touching each other as they pass through the gate. Gates with multiple focal objects have a set priority (established at the creation of the portal network) that determines which focal objects supersede the others.

Portal networks work an unlimited number of times. Once a gate is activated, impenetrable darkness fills the gate's ring until 1 round after the last creature passes through. A creature doesn't reach the other end until it passes fully through the ring, and can't see the other side until it finishes passing through.

If a portal network requires a focal object, only creatures using a focal object or touching someone else who is can pass through a gate, even if the gate is activated. Obstructing a gate (such as by building a wall against the gate's opening) prevents anyone from passing through, but a creature standing in the way does not; a creature occupying the gate is pushed aside once anyone passes through.


Destroying a portal network entirely requires sending a sphere of annihilation through one of the network's gates. This destroys the sphere as well (as described in the destruction requirements for a sphere of annihilation), except a gap is always torn in the spatial fabric.




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