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Minderhal's Forge


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: –Weight: –Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong transmutation


Minderhal's Forge appears to be a giant stone blacksmithing forge and huge iron anvil set atop a basalt platform that rises from a pit of slag. First and foremost, Minderhal's Forge functions as an altar of Minderhal (see page 246 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods for rules on altars). Any creature (not just a worshiper of Minderhal) can pray at the altar, though accepting the altar's blessing is both an evil and lawful act. Praying at the altar grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Craft and Sense Motive checks, or one of the following weapon special abilities (creature's choice) to one magic weapon carried or wielded by the creature: axiomatic or unholy. This effect is suppressed if the weapon leaves the creature's grasp, but resumes if the weapon is returned to the creature.

Minderhal's Forge is also a fully working forge. Any creature using the forge can create magic weapons, armor, or shields as if it possessed the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. If the creature already has that feat, the forge grants a +5 circumstance bonus on the Craft check needed to create a magic weapon, armor, or shields. Crafting any sort of item, whether magical or otherwise, using Minderhal's Forge takes half the normal amount of time.

In addition, Minderhal's Forge has 10 charges, which renew at the beginning of each day. A creature using Minderhal's Forge can expend the listed number of charges to activate one of the following spell-like abilities as a full-round action, which can affect targets within 10 feet of the forge.

Lastly, Minderhal's Forge can be used in conjunction with Agrimmosh, the Hammer of Unmaking (Pathfinder Adventure Path #91: Battle of Bloodmarch Hill 56) to resize armor and weapons. When a weapon, suit of armor, or shield is placed in Minderhal's Forge and struck with Agrimmosh, the equipment permanently resizes to match the size of Agrimmosh's wielder. This power is so strong that magic or even intelligent items are always affected; only artifacts receive a saving throw (Will DC 25 negates) to resist this effect.


Quenching Minderhal's Forge with the blood of the last worshiper of Minderhal causes the forge to crumble into rubble and be destroyed.


Artifact, Evil, Lawful


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