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Life Lantern


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: Weight: 4 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 15Aura: strong evocation, strong necromancy


The life lantern appears as a large ankh made of gold with a polished sphere of sapphire fitted into its center. Held in one hand by a living bearer, the life lantern glows with a radiance equal to that of a sunrod. If the carrier is undead, the life lantern instead sheds an area of magical darkness akin to that exuded by a darkness spell.

The light or darkness exuded by a life lantern enhances certain elements of necromancy. In an area of light generated by a living carrier of a life lantern, dying creatures gain a +4 bonus on all Constitution checks to stabilize. More significantly, a body brought back to life via raise dead, resurrection, or any similar effect does not gain any negative levels upon being brought back, as long as the body is restored while it is illuminated by the life lantern's light. Once per year, the life lantern may be used by a living creature to cast resurrection on a creature by touching the life lantern to a portion of the dead creature's body.

When the life lantern sheds darkness in the hand of an undead creature, all undead creatures in that area of darkness gain fast healing 5. Once per week, the life lantern may be used by an undead creature to cast create greater undead.

The life lantern also functions as a holy or unholy symbol for a spellcaster who worships a deity who grants access to the domains of Death or Healing, and the spellcaster need not actually have those domains to use the lantern in this way.


If the life lantern is buried in a coffin along with a living creature, it crumbles to dust when the creature dies.




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