Funerary Crown of the True King
Magical properties
The curling horns that jut out from the temples of this splendid helm are actually fangs extracted from the jaws of a cairn linnorm. Created by and for the Linnorm Kings of old, the helm reserves its power for wearers who have been targeted by a linnorm's death curse. For a worthy wearer, the funerary crown suppresses any death curse currently affecting the wearer and grants a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to resist fear effects, poison, and all other curses. The helm also grants a +4 insight bonus on all Charisma-based checks the wearer attempts to influence other linnorm slayers. Once per month as a standard action, the wearer can summon an einherji (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 84) for up to 10 minutes. This power is otherwise equivalent to a summon monster VII spell.
When placed on the brow of one who has never slain a linnorm, the helm instead subjects the unworthy wearer to the death curse carried by the last true Linnorm King to have worn the helm. This curse cannot be dispelled while the crown is worn, but ends as soon as the helm is removed.
The funerary crown of the true king can be destroyed only if it is swallowed by Fafnheir, the Father of All Linnorms.
- Ships of the Inner Sea
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