Cloud Diadem
Magical properties
This giant-sized silver-and-steel crown allows its wearer to telepathically control Ironcloud Keep's engine and direct the castle's motion. In addition, the wearer of the cloud diadem can extend his perception through the castle's constructs (such as the animated statues in area F11 and the mithral golem in area F48), allowing him to see and hear through the statues' senses, as the witness spell (Ultimate Magic 249), and can telepathically control the statues remotely, in a manner similar to shield guardians (Bestiary 158). Lastly, as a full-round action, the wearer can concentrate to teleport one of the animated statues from its teleportation pedestal in area F11 to his side.
Most of cloud diadem's gems are magically connected to the controls on the stelae in Ironcloud Keep's engine room (area F12). The ash giant alchemist Ulkraf was able to connect one of the crown's unused gems to his alchemic bomb in the castle's propulsion ducts (area F3), creating the dead man's switch that will detonate the bomb if Volstus is defeated.
The cloud diadem is sized for a Huge wearer, and does not magically adjust to wearers of different sizes, so the PCs will be unable to use the magical properties of the crown, but the precious materials used to create the diadem amount to 20 pounds of pure silver (worth 100 gp) and 150,000 gp worth of enormous gemstones.
If Ironcloud Keep is destroyed, the cloud diadem loses all of its magic, becoming a mundane (though still valuable) crown.
- Pathfinder #96: Shadow of the Storm Tyrant
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