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Bullroarers of Outburst


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: Weight: 5 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong enchantment


These five oblong, wooden planks range in length from 5 inches to about 1 foot, and weigh 1 pound each. None is carved thicker than a finger, and their sides taper to form dull blades. Each is delicately carved with intricate, symmetrical designs of seemingly primitive origin. A long cord bound to the plank through a hole at the top of the blade allows the bearer to whirl the blade about in a circle, causing it to emit a low, growling tone with a strange warble that can be heard many miles away.

In the hands of a mythic creature, whirling bullroarers can induce powerful sonic waves that trigger profound emotional reactions in anyone they touch. A mythic creature can attempt to spin up to two bullroarers at a time, provided he has a free hand for each. Spinning more than two bullroarers creates a cacophony that causes their effects to cancel each other out. The penetrating sonic waves don't need to be audible to be effective, however they can't affect creatures immune to mindaffecting effects.

The bullroarers affect mythic opponents within a radius of 60 feet plus 10 additional feet per the tier wielder possesses, and non-mythic creatures within double that range. The effect remains for as long as the artifact's owner swings the bullroarer, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to his mythic tier. The individual blades and their powers are listed below.

Blade of Courage: All allies within the area of effect are treated as if affected by of a blessing of courage and life spell.

Blade of Castigation: All opponents within the area fall to their knees as if affected by a castigate spell.

Blade of Despair: All opponents within the area of effect that hear the sound become saddened as if affected by a crushing despair spell.

Blade of Fear: All opponents within the area of effect that hear the sound become frightened as if affected by a fear spell.

Blade of Rage: All opponents within the area of effect that hear the sound become enraged as if affected by a rage spell.


The bullroarers simultaneously shatter if all five are swung at the same time while their bearer stands within the eye of a massive hurricane.




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