Lens of the Dark Tapestry
Armor properties
Magical properties
The matte surface of this +1 voidglass heavy shield is cold to the touch. The shield's face contains a disorienting field of flickering stars. On command, the wearer of this shield can take 1 point of Wisdom drain to banish a single creature within 30 feet into the Dark Tapestry. The target of this ability must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or be teleported into the airless void of space. The target can attempt a new saving throw as a full-round action each round to return. While banished in this way, the target takes 3d6 points of cold damage per round and must hold its breath or begin to suffocate. If the Wisdom damage is negated or does not occur, the ability does not function. If the Wisdom drain is healed, any banished creature returns, and the shield becomes permanently nonmagical.
Crafting requirements
Crafting cost: 15670 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, teleportSources
- Armor Master's Handbook
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