Wing staff
This quarterstaff can unfold two sails on each side to become a simple glider that takes up no more space than its wielder. With a successful DC 10 Fly check as a full-round action, any Small or Medium creature holding the unfurled glider can glide downward at a 45-degree angle in a straight or diagonal line at a speed of 60 feet per round. Unfolding the wings is a full-round action. The wing staff imposes a –4 penalty on Fly checks because of its poor maneuverability and cannot be used to fly at other angles. A character may gain an advantage in an appropriate terrain tile during a pursuit (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 142), such as taking a shortcut by gliding over a forest. A wing staff's sails have AC 9 and hardness 0, and take double damage from acid and fire attacks. The sails have 20 hit points; if they take 9 points of damage, the sails and the staff gain the broken condition, and the sails don't function until repaired. When the sails are furled, a wing staff functions as a normal quarterstaff and can be enhanced as normal (this doesn't affect the sails), though if the staff gains the broken condition, the sails are also broken.
- Inner Sea Intrigue
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